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The highest price is €138,96

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Howunder® - Sambucus canadensis as a garden elderberry

Howunder® - Sambucus canadensis as a garden elderberry

In addition to the black elderberry (Sambucus nigra), other species have great horticultural potential. Apart from the different native elderberry species used as wild and bird food trees, there is also the Canadian elderberry – sometimes also known as the American elderberry. In this article, we would like to show how the Howunder® – what we call the Canadian elderberry – can enrich any assortment and any garden.

Cassissima® blackcurrants as plant of the year 2026

Cassissima® blackcurrants as plant of the year 2026

Lubera and Lubera Edibles are making 2026 the year of blackcurrants, more precisely the year of our Cassissima® new varieties. For this purpose, the Cassissima® varieties from Lubera® will be specially promoted and highlighted in the consumer market and also BtoB (Taspo, Gabot) in 2026. What are the main reasons for this step, for the promotion of such Cinderella fruits? And is there even a market for them? How important are blackcurrants in the berry plant market and what are the...

Gold Medal for our variety introduction Passiflora Cooltropics® Snowstar®

Gold Medal for our variety introduction Passiflora Cooltropics® Snowstar®

The ‘Innovert Competition’ is held in France every year. This is where companies present their best new variety introductions in horticulture. Together with our French partner, Travers Nurseries, we submitted the white-flowering passionflower Cooltropics® Snowstar® this year. The variety comes from our own breeding programme for hardy passion fruit and was launched on the market this year.

We were delighted when the winners were announced and Snowstar® stood at the top of the podium and won...

Where will the Passiflora range be in five years

Where will the Passiflora range be in five years

Winter hardy passion fruit is a novelty on the market for edible fruit plants. Thanks to Lubera's own breeding programme, Lubera Edibles is definitely a pioneer in this field.

The passion fruit range at Lubera Edibles currently consists of two varieties: Cooltropics® Eia Popeia® and Cooltropics® Snowstar®. There is strong demand for both varieties and the Snowstar® variety was awarded the gold medal for Best New Plant at the French Innovert competition in spring 2024. However...

How do you produce hardy Cooltropics® passion fruit plants for retail sale?

How do you produce hardy Cooltropics® passion fruit plants for retail sale?

The Passiflora incarnata hybrids in the Cooltropics® series ('Eia Popeia' and 'Snowstar') are easy to cultivate and can be sold in different sizes. In fact, the climbing plants are very easy to care for and quite robust. With appropriate fertilization and watering, they grow quickly and quickly present their full splendour.

Plants and demographic change – edible plants as a connecting link to the younger generation

Plants and demographic change – edible plants as a connecting link to the younger generation

In the plant industry, we like to lean back comfortably and contentedly when we hear about demographic change. After all, it can't harm us...Older people are increasingly or at least steadily buying plants...but is this prejudice really true?

Raspberries 2023 – the ranking of varieties, growth types, fruit colours and plant sizes

Raspberries 2023 – the ranking of varieties, growth types, fruit colours and plant sizes

In the stationary market, the sales figures for the most important soft fruit variety, raspberries, are largely supply-driven: ultimately, what is sold is what buyers purchase and then what is offered at the points of sale. With the online range of our sister company, the situation is largely reversed: we sell what is in demand.

From mid-February until Christmas, a wide range of 36 raspberry varieties is continuously available. According to the sales figures at, we can...

The state of the soft fruit plant market

The state of the soft fruit plant market

As a seller you are always in a rather uncomfortable situation. Anything you say can be used against you at any time...and it certainly will be used. By the way, this also applies to sellers of (young) plants...

How is this meant? The spoken and unspoken counter-arguments we always have ready when approached by a salesman: "He's only saying that to sell more..." In any case, with a salesperson one will always relate the truthfulness of his or her remarks to the communicative purpose...