Fruits of the Roots® Vegetables Young Plants

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Showing 15 of 15 products


The highest price is €73,80

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Fruits of the Roots® Vegetables Young Plants

Showing 15 of 15 products

More information

The new market for premium vegetable plants

The new market for premium vegetable plants, the online store of our sister company, has been selling premium vegetable plants for several years. These are grown in 1.3-litre square pots, packaged with care and then reliably shipped to customers. The price for most plants is currently around EUR 5.50, with a price increase of 10% planned for 2025. But how big is this market? What are Lubera's experiences in general? We are not initially discussing which companies could produce these young plants and where they are sold, we...

Sugarbeauties® – the new ornamental sweet potatoes from Lubera Edibles

Sugarbeauties® – the new ornamental sweet potatoes from Lubera Edibles

When the Lubera® breeding team started breeding sweet potatoes a few years ago, the original and real focus was on improved, sweeter yielding varieties for hobby cultivation in the vegetable garden. During the selection work in the seedlings, however, we quickly noticed that the diversity in leaf colour and shape was quite large. Thus, it became clear relatively quickly that it was also worthwhile to select for these characteristics. This is what we did and we are just about to release the first...

Current breeding projects in Buchs - impressions of a photographer

Current breeding projects in Buchs - impressions of a photographer

How can you, I thought. But Markus " Merciless" Kobelt didn't let up: Yes, exactly, to invest 1-2 days with a photo shoot in the hottest August of all times (?) on the current breeding fields in Buchs, that was his latest job to me. Now I do like to take photos. But I prefer slightly overcast skies - of course just so that the photos turn out as good as possible, certainly not because of me... But what did I notice during the photo safari, armed with the camera and with the eyes of...

Horseradish young plants – the well-known medicinal and seasoning plant is also available from us

Horseradish young plants – the well-known medicinal and seasoning plant is also available from us

Who doesn't know horseradish? Maybe not as much as a plant, but as a root from the weekly market or the supermarket, or already processed as a white seasoning paste in a jar. (Almost) everyone knows the pungent and slightly earthy taste of this old vegetable. Or is it rather a spice? Before the widespread availability of pepper, horseradish – along with mustard – was the only hot condiment. And growing horseradish at home in your own garden is anything but difficult; moreover...

Lubera Edibles Podcast #16: Lubera Edibles Novelties 2022/2023 - Part I

Lubera Edibles Podcast #16: Lubera Edibles Novelties 2022/2023 - Part I

Like every year, we have prepared interesting novelties for our young plant customers. Some of these novelties are entire assortment groups that are discussed separately in separate podcasts, including the breeding background and breeding outlook. In this podcast, however, Frederik Vollert, the product developer at Lubera Edibles, and Markus Kobelt, the co-managing director of Lubera Edibles, discuss all the other new products that will be included in the range starting in 2022. Let us surprise...

Lubera Edibles Podcast #12: Sugaroot® sweet potatoes – the really sweet sweet potatoes

Lubera Edibles Podcast #12: Sugaroot® sweet potatoes – the really sweet sweet potatoes

The sweet potato is one root vegetable that is currently experiencing a boom. Especially in the food retail trade and on the weekly markets in Germany, the sweet tubers can now be found all year round. That is why the Lubera® team of breeders has also taken on this crop, with the intention of combining ornamental value with usefulness. Markus Kobelt and Frederik Vollert talk about how far the breeding goals have been achieved in this first generation of varieties.

You have the option of playing...

Sugaroots® – Sweet Potato Young Plants for Central Europe

Sugaroots® – Sweet Potato Young Plants for Central Europe

Hardly any vegetable is currently as trendy as the sweet potato. With an annual per capita consumption of around half a kilo, the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is far from dominating the conventional potato (Solanum tuberosum), but the potential is there. In order to utilise this potential, at least in home gardens, we are launching the Sugaroots® sweet potato series for the 2022 spring season. These varieties were bred and selected by our partner company Lubera® in Switzerland.

Sweet potato breeding at Lubera

Sweet potato breeding at Lubera

Sweet potatoes, Ipomoea batatas, are one of the most important crops internationally. In terms of yield, they rank number 15 among all crops, and among the root crops they are in 3rd place after potatoes and cassava. Their genetic origin and thus the place of greatest diversity is in subtropical to tropical Central America, but there are also genetic centres in South America (Peru) and in Polynesia, where the large tuberous roots stopped on their journey around the world. Exactly how sweet...

Lubera Edibles Podcast #01: Yacon and Oca - root fruits from the Andes for our gardens

Lubera Edibles Podcast #01: Yacon and Oca - root fruits from the Andes for our gardens

Classic Central European cuisine consists of a main side dish, often also called a filling side dish, then salad and/or vegetables and meat/fish. And since we were children, we have learned that there are three main side dishes: rice, pasta and potatoes. Which brings us to our topic, root crops. Do we really need more than potatoes? What are the distinguishing features of oca and yacon? Why do they enrich the garden and kitchen alongside potatoes? How are they grown and how can we produce and...

Yacon – the sweet, giant tubers from South America

Yacon – the sweet, giant tubers from South America

Our yacon young plants and varieties represent a new vegetable species in the assortment group 'Fruits of the Roots®'. We will be able to offer you yacon young plants starting in spring 2021. As with potatoes and oca, yacon is a plant species with edible tubers that originated in South America, in the highlands of the Andes, and was already cultivated by the Incas. Although yacon has almost no relevance in commercial cultivation in Europe, it is an interesting plant and an even more interesting...

The production of oca young plants for retailers

The production of oca young plants for retailers

In previous articles we have already described our new tuberous vegetable oca (Oxalis tuberosa) in more detail and also presented our assortment of oca young plants as well as described how our assortment will develop in the future. In this article we would now like to introduce you to our oca young plant quality and show you how you can produce a saleable/tradable plant from this oca young plant.

Oca tubers (Oxalis tuberosa) – a plant portrait of the colourful Andean tubers

Oca tubers (Oxalis tuberosa) – a plant portrait of the colourful Andean tubers

With our oca young plants (Oxalis tuberosa) we offer a new, but nevertheless also old vegetable plant. The colourful tubers enrich our diets not only in terms of appearance, but also the taste of these vibrant tubers has a lot to offer. Oca has always been cultivated for its bright-coloured, edible tubers. However, both the leaves and the shoots can also be eaten. In this article, you will learn how this vegetable from the highlands of South America can enrich our gardens and our diet in many...

Lubera breeds potatoes – the most important questions and answers

Lubera breeds potatoes – the most important questions and answers

With the expansion of the range of young plants from Lubera Edibles to include vegetables, Lubera also started breeding potatoes a few years ago. How does a simple tree nursery now come up with the idea of breeding potatoes? You are right to ask this question and we will answer the most important questions about our potato breeding project in the following FAQ.